Cell Phone Policy
Meeting Street Brentwood Cell Phone Process
Students are not permitted to have cellphones or any other electronic device on campus unless the principal gives permission.
- This includes Apple Watches or watches similar to Apple Watches.
If a students is seen with their cellphones in their pockets, hands, or purses or Apple Watch or similar device on their wrist at any point while they are on campus the cell phone or watch should be taken and the following should happen:
- The staff member will take the cell phone from the student.
- The teacher will:
- First Offense: Keep the cell phone until the end of the day, log it in Unified Classroom, and contact the student’s parent or guardian.
- Second Offense: Give the cell phone to the GLC, log it in Unified Classroom, and contact the student’s parent to inform them that they have to come pick up the phone.
- Third Offense: Give the cell phone to the Dean of Culture, log it in Unified Classroom, and contact the student’s parent.
- The staff member that has the phone will put the cellphone or watch in the safe place and log it into Unified Classroom.
- The staff member that confiscated the phone will contact parents to inform them that the student’s cell phone was taken and if the student can get their phone back at the end of the day, the parent needs to pick up the phone, or if the school will keep the scholar's cell phone.
Cell Phone Policy:
Bulldog Family,
Thank you for your continued support and love for Meeting Street Brentwood. One of our priorities is to provide our students with an engaging and safe learning environment. One of the ways we can ensure that is happening is by ensuring that our students are not falling victim to distractions that can be caused by cell phone usage throughout their time at school. With the number of social networks that are being used for things such as peer communication or cyberbullying, not only is this causing students to be distracted from growing as scholars, it is also promoting an unsafe learning environment for many of our students.
Students are not permitted to have cellphones or any other electronic device such as Apple Watches that is not issued by the school on campus. If a student is found with their cell phone in their pockets, purse, or using their cell phone the following will occur:
- The cell phone will be confiscated by the staff member.
- The parent will be contacted about the cell phone being taken.
- One of the following will occur:
Please note: Cell phones are not permitted at school and if one is brought on campus and seen it will be taken. Also note, cell phones are brought at the students’ own risk. Lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones are not the responsibility of Meeting Street Brentwood.
Once again thank you for your continued support of the Bulldog Community. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Shakira Harrell or Dawn Moore.
Thank you,
Mary Catherine Lancaster & Roger Michael
Meeting Street Brentwood Cell Phone Policy Form
I _________________(Parent/Guardian) understand that my child _______________ is in violation of Meeting Street Brentwood’s Cell Phone Policy. I understand that if my student is caught again with or using a cell phone during class, in the halls, restroom, etc. the following consequences will apply:
I will ensure that my child follows the Cell Phone Policy at Meeting Street Brentwood going forward.
Please note: Cell phones brought on campus are at your own risk. Lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones are not the responsibility of Meeting Street Brentwood.
Formulario de política de telefonía celular de Meeting Street Brentwood
Familia de los bulldogs,
Gracias por su continuo apoyo y amor por Meeting Street Brentwood. Una de nuestras prioridades es brindarles a nuestros estudiantes un entorno de aprendizaje atractivo y seguro. Una de las formas en que podemos garantizar que esto suceda es asegurándonos de que nuestros estudiantes no sean víctimas de distracciones que pueden ser causadas por el uso del teléfono celular durante su tiempo en la escuela. Con la cantidad de redes sociales que se utilizan para cosas como la comunicación entre pares o el acoso cibernético, esto no solo distrae a los estudiantes de su crecimiento como académicos, sino que también promueve un entorno de aprendizaje inseguro para muchos de nuestros estudiantes.
No se permite a los estudiantes tener teléfonos celulares ni ningún otro dispositivo electrónico como Apple Watches que no sea proporcionado por la escuela en el campus. Si se encuentra a un estudiante con su teléfono celular en sus bolsillos, bolso o usando su teléfono celular, ocurrirá lo siguiente:
- El teléfono celular será confiscado por el miembro del personal.
- Se contactará a los padres sobre el robo del teléfono celular.
- Ocurrirá una de las siguientes situaciones:
Tenga en cuenta: No se permiten teléfonos celulares en la escuela y si se trae uno al campus y se ve, se lo quitarán. También tenga en cuenta que los teléfonos móviles se traen bajo su propio riesgo. Los teléfonos móviles perdidos, robados o dañados no son responsabilidad de Meeting Street Brentwood.
Una vez más, gracias por su continuo apoyo a la comunidad Bulldog. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en comunicarse con Shakira Harrell o Dawn Moore.